Fitness testing is an essential part of a well managed, safe and fun health and wellness program. Besides the obvious benchmarking of the athlete’s progress in their exercise program, the benefits of a comprehensive assessment program can mean the difference between life and death. We use these fitness assessments to find possible risks of heart disease and other chronic diseases. This can give us the opportunity to advise you more accurately if a high impact training regimen is possible, if a low impact fitness program is warranted, or if you need to seek more in-depth medical care prior to beginning with a trainer.
Prior to showing up for the exam, you should receive a quick consultation with your trainer where you will discuss your goals, aspirations and limitations. Your pre-exercise interview will review your health history, exercise history, risk factors, any possible contraindications to various exercises, possible physician release followed by a comprehensive physical assessment. A comprehensive physical assessment will cover these 5 components of physical fitness; body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance. These exams will vary in intensity and duration depending on your health history.
After your physical assessment, you will go over the results with your trainer in depth. Your trainer will advise you in how to proceed to programming your new fitness lifestyle. Together you will outline your desired goals and the practical steps to take to achieve them. Finally the trainer will present you with a periodized schedule for training to meet your short-term and long-term goals.
If you would like to schedule a physical assessment, contact Carolina Gold Fitness to schedule your appointment!