What Workout Should I be Doing?
Over the years I have been asked a couple of questions over and over. The most common fitness related question I receive is “what do I do?” And without knowing specifics my response is almost always… “well, that depends…”
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) both offer their recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise broken up over 3-5 days out of a week. In addition, the NIH states that “60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity on most days of the week will help adults avoid gradual weight gain.” As great as it is to have these basic guidelines spelled out, what do you do with them? and are they the right guidelines for you?
My common response to those questions are it depends…. It depends on what you want to do, what your goals are, what your fitness background is, what your limitations and strengths are, and what fits your personality. Why would you workout in a gym if you prefer to be outdoors? If your goal is to build power and strength, running might not be your best exercise to meet your needs. Want to improve body composition, mobility and range of motion, cardio-respiratory fitness? You may want to seek other options. If you are simply wanting to maintain your fitness or health, maybe the basic guidelines are all you need. Even more specifically, I might train two runners differently based on their fitness, physical ability, age, running background, goals… etc.
Exercise and physical activity is very specific to the individual. You can work hard thinking you are progressing towards accomplishing your goals, when in reality you may be stuck in a plateau. Your best bet when looking at your workout and training routines is to consult with an educated fitness professional such as a personal trainer or exercise physiologist. A trainer’s primary function is to develop your program so you meet your goals with as little risk for injury as possible. When we address your program, your workouts are given consideration in “dosages” such as a prescription. You should be prescribed a workout that has a volume, intensity and duration that is in line with your specific needs. Too high of a dosage and you may overreach or overdose on exercise… too little of a dose of exercise can lead to under-performing or coming up short of reaching your goals.
So where does that leave you and what fitness program do you need?
Well, that depends…
At Carolina Gold Fitness, we prescribe appropriate nutrition and exercise to not only help improve health and wellness, but also as a way to further enjoy your daily lifestyle. Not sure what to eat or how to train? Contact us at 828.209.8776 and we can set you up for short term & long term health and fitness. Visit us on the web at CarolinaGoldFitness.com for more information.